Integrated Report of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
and the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group
for 2020

1.2 Basis of preparation and presentation

in PLN millions, unless otherwise stated


These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, on the basis of historical cost, except for financial instruments classified as measured at fair value and investment properties measured at fair value.

Accounting Policies

The accounting policies of the Group which apply to the consolidated financial statements as a whole, as well as significant estimates and their impact on amounts presented in the consolidated financial statements, are presented in the following note.

Topic Accounting policies Significant estimates and judgments
Consolidation principles

The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the Parent Entity and its subsidiaries. Subsidiaries are understood as being entities which are either directly controlled by the Parent Entity or indirectly through its subsidiaries.

Obtaining control of a subsidiary, which is a business, is accounted for using the acquisition method.

Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is obtained to the date on which control is lost.

Balances, incomes, expenses and unrealised gains recognised in assets from intra-group transactions, are eliminated.

Determining whether the Parent Entity has control over a company requires an assessment as to whether it has rights to direct relevant activities of the company.

Determining what constitutes relevant activities of the company and by which investor it is controlled requires a judgment.

Among others, the following factors are taken into consideration when assessing the situation and determining the nature of relationships: voting rights, relative voting power, dilution of voting rights of other investors and their ability to appoint members of key management personnel or members of the supervisory board.

Fair value measurement Fair value is the price that would be received from selling an asset or would be paid for a transfer of a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. For financial reporting purposes, a fair value hierarchy was established that categorises the inputs into three levels. The fair value hierarchy levels are as follows:

Level 1

Value is based on inputs from active markets, as they are seen as the most reliable source of data.

Level 2

Value is based on inputs other than from active markets, which are nevertheless observable (unbiased, measurable).

Level 3

Value is based on unobservable inputs, used when it is not possible to acquire data from the first two measurement levels. It includes all measurements based on subjective inputs.

Fair value presents current estimates which may be subject to change in subsequent reporting periods due to market conditions or due to other factors. There are many methods of measuring fair value, which may result in differences in fair values.

Moreover, assumptions constituting the basis of fair value measurement may require estimating the changes in costs/prices over time, the discount rate, inflation rate or other significant variables.

Certain assumptions and estimates are necessary to determine to which level of fair value hierarchy a given instrument should be classified.

Financial statements of subsidiaries with a functional currency other than PLN For purposes of preparing the consolidated financial statements in the presentation currency of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group, i.e. in PLN, individual items of financial statements of foreign operations whose functional currencies are other than PLN are translated in the following manner:

(i) assets and liabilities – at the closing rate, i.e. at the average exchange rate for that currency announced by the NBP at the end of the reporting period,

(ii) items of the statement of profit or loss, the statement of comprehensive income and the statement of cash flows – at the arithmetical average of average exchange rates announced for a given currency by the NBP at the end of each month of a given reporting period. If there is a significant volatility of exchange rates in a given period, revenues and costs in the statement of profit or loss and the statement of comprehensive income are translated using the exchange rates as at the transaction date.

Exchange differences from the translation of foreign operations statements are recognised in other comprehensive income of a given period.

The consolidated financial statements are presented in PLN, which is also the functional currency of the Parent Entity and the Group’s subsidiaries, with the exception of: the subsidiary Future 1 Sp. z o.o. and subsidiaries of the subgroup KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD. in which mainly the US dollar (USD) is the functional currency.

The balance of exchange differences from the translation of financial statements of the aforementioned entities:

  • 2020 – PLN 2 690 million,
  • 2019 – PLN 2 651 million.
Foreign currency transactions and the measurement of items denominated in foreign currencies

At the moment of initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency:

  • at the actual exchange rate applied, i.e. at the buy or sell exchange rate applied by the bank in which the transaction occurs, in the case of the sale or purchase of currencies and the payment of receivables or liabilities;
  • at the average exchange rate set for a given currency, prevailing on the date of the transaction for other transactions.

At the end of each reporting period, foreign currency monetary items are translated at the closing rate prevailing on that date.

Foreign exchange gains or losses on the settlement of foreign currency transactions, and on the measurement of foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities (other than derivatives), are recognised in profit or loss.

Foreign exchange gains or losses on the measurement of foreign currency derivatives are recognised in profit or loss as a fair value measurement, provided they do not represent a change in the fair value of the effective cash flow hedge.
In such a case, they are recognised in other comprehensive income in accordance with hedge accounting policies.

Foreign exchange gains or losses on non-monetary items, such as equity instruments classified as financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, are recognised in other comprehensive income.

Foreign exchange gains or losses on monetary items measured at fair value through profit or loss (e.g. loans granted measured at fair value) are recognised as a part of the fair value measurement.


For a greater understanding of the data recognised in the consolidated financial statements, an accounting policy and important estimates, assumptions and judgments are presented in individual, detailed notes as in the table below. As compared to the periods ended on 31 December 2019 and 30 June 2020, there were no significant changes to the measurement methods. Changes in estimates as at 31 December 2020 as compared to the aforementioned periods arise from changes in assumptions as a result of changes in business circumstances and/or other variables.

Note Title Amount recognised in
the financial statements
Accounting policies Important estimates, assumptions and judgements
2020 2019
2.3 Revenues from contracts with customers 23 632 22 723 X X
3.1 Test for impairment of assets (374) 106 X
5.1 Income tax in the statement of profit or loss (959) (701) X
5.1.1 Deferred income tax in the statement of profit or loss (191) (168) X X
5.3 Tax assets 295 571 X
5.3 Tax liabilities (537) (433) X
6.1 Joint ventures accounted for using the equity method X X
6.2 Loans granted to a joint venture 6 069 5 694 X X
7.2 Derivatives (695) 143 X
7.3 Other financial instruments measured at fair value 636 448 X
7.4 Other financial instruments measured at amortised cost 601 656 X X
8.2 Equity (21 081) (20 202) X
8.4.1 Borrowings (7 335) (7 873) X
8.5 Cash and cash equivalents 2 522 1 016 X
8.6 Labilities due to guarantees granted (2 384) (2 614) X X
9.1 Mining and metallurgical property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 22 600 21 464 X X
9.2 Other property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 2 998 2 984 X
9.4 Provisions for decommissioning costs of mines and other facilities* (1 884) (1 794) X X
10.1 Inventories 4 459 4 741 X X
10.2 Trade receivables 869 795 X
10.3 Trade and similar payables (3 762) (2 940) X X
10.4 Changes in working capital 1 172 1 123 X X
11.1 Employee benefits liabilities (4 329) (3 763) X X
12.3 Other assets 513 573 X
12.4 Other liabilities (1 753) (1 657) X
* In the statement of financial position, current provisions for decommissioning costs of mines and other technological facilities are recognised in the item Provisions for liabilities and other charges.


The accounting policies described in this note and in individual notes were applied by the Group in a continuous manner to all presented periods.

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