Integrated Report of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
and the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group
for 2020

Selected GRI standards performance indicators

Selected GRI Standards indicators for 2020 presenting actions in the area of environmental issues:

  • 303-3

Water withdrawal by the Organisation

2020 2019
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Water withdrawal by source Surface water (total) 9,273,960 9,787,124
Groundwater (total) 31,055,637 158,149 33,942,726 176,405
Seawater (total) 30,714,866 31,031,562 25,048,901
Water withdrawn as a result of operations, e.g. mine water (total) 31,034,027 –  27,186,375 27,186,375
Fresh water (≤1 000 mg/l of total dissolved substances 2,465 31,031,562
Other water (>1.000 mg/l total dissolved solids) 31,031,562 11,049,080 27,186,375 27,186,375
Water from third parties (total) 304,596 11,049,080 246,587 11,301,142
Fresh water (≤1 000 mg/l of total dissolved substances) 98,145 11,049,080 18,317 11,301,142
Other water (>1.000 mg/l total dissolved solids) 207,329 228,270
Total water withdrawal Surface water (total) + groundwater (total) + seawater (total) + post-production water (total) + water from other sources (total) 102,383,087 42,238,791 96,211,713 38,663,922
  • 303-4

Water (water) discharge

2020 2019
Group KGHM Polska Miedź S.A KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group KGHM Polska Miedź S.A KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Water (wastewater) discharge by destination Surface water 41,473,468 24,829,044 37,040,279 19,498,439
Ground and soil 61,222 79,529
Water provided to third parties 84,836 8,856,278 818,986 10,050,454
Total water (wastewater) discharge Surface water + groundwater + seawater + third party water (total) 41,619,526 33,685,322  37,938,794 29,548,893
Water (wastewater) discharge – fresh and other water Fresh water (≤1 000 mg/l of total dissolved substances) 16,817,279 8,913,666 18,492,273 10,105,915
Other water (>1.000 mg/l total dissolved solids) 24,799,629 24,771,656 19,442,978 19,442,978
  • 303-5

Water consumption

2020 2019
Group KGHM Polska Miedź S.A KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group KGHM Polska Miedź S.A KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Water consumption Total water consumption 60,040,901 8,553,469  58,272,919 9,115,029


  • 304-1

Operational sites adjacent to protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value

KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Operational sites adjacent to protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value 15
  • 305-1

Direct greenhouse gas emissions

2020 2019
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Direct emissions (ETS + nonETS equivalent) (tCO2e) 1,430,234 1,714,122
  • 305-2

Indirect greenhouse gas emissions

Indirect emissions, by source 2020 2019
KGHM S.A. Group KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. KGHM S.A. Group KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Emissions resulting from electricity purchased for own needs 1,838,716.21 1,614,949.00** 1,946,213.58 1,815,871.13
Emissions resulting from heat purchased for own needs 299,544.54 0** 480,568.78 161,014.64
Emissions resulting from cooling energy or steam purchased for own needs 23,859.30 21,284.06
Total indirect emissions (tCO2e) 2,162,120.05 1,614,949.00** 2,448,066.43 1,976,885.77

** Because of the provisions of Polish law associated with the obligation to prepare reports on a detailed breakdown of indirect emissions in Scope 2 by the end of the quarter of the year following the reporting year, detailed data on emission levels associated with the purchased heat, shown separately for the part related to cooling or steam will be known after this Report is published.

  • 307-1

Significant fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and/or regulations

2020 2019
Information on administrative and court sanctions imposed on the organisation for non-compliance with environment protection regulations KGHM S.A. Group KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. KGHM S.A. Group KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Total monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations [PLN] 448,117.00 0 357,940.00 0,00
Number of non-financial, administrative and court sanctions imposed on the organisation for non-compliance with environment protection regulations, including international declarations / conventions / treaties and national, regional and local laws, as well as voluntary arrangements with regulatory bodies that are considered binding 2 0 2 0
  • 306-2

Total weight of waste by type and disposal method

2020 2019
1. Waste storage by group, in metric tons (t) KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Generated waste Waste for recovery Waste for disposal Generated waste Waste for recovery Waste for disposal
Group “01” – waste resulting from exploration, mining, physical and chemical processing of ores and other minerals 27,948,802 17,887,232 10,061,570 28,144,055 18,012,194 10,131,861
Group “10” – waste from thermal processes 1,230,983 1,175,548 55,435 1298,977 1,234,817 64,160
Other waste 142,253 108,272 33,981 141,435 62,709 78,726
Total 29,322,038 19,171,052 10,150,986 29,584,467 19,309,720 10,274,747
2020 2019
2. Waste for recovery by recovery process, in metric tons (t) KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Hazardous waste (all forms of recovery Waste other than hazardous waste (all forms of recovery) Hazardous waste (all forms of recovery) Waste other than hazardous waste (all forms of recovery)
On site 18,646 18,834,517 19,299 18,397,003
Out of site 35,259 282,630 49,816 843,602
Total 53,905 19,117,147 69,115 19,240,605
2020 2019
3. Waste for disposal by disposal process, in metric tons (t) KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Hazardous waste (landfill) Waste other than hazardous waste (landfill) Hazardous waste (landfill) Waste other than hazardous waste (landfill)
On site 82,756 10,052,545 76,234 10,197,644
Out of site 15,218 467 73 796
Total 97,974 10,053,012 76,307 10,198,440


  • 306-2

Total weight of waste by type and disposal method

2020 2019
1. Waste storage by group, in metric tons (t)  KGHM S.A. Group
Generated waste Waste for recovery Waste for disposal Generated waste Waste for recovery Waste for disposal
Group “01” – waste resulting from exploration, mining, physical and chemical processing of ores and other minerals 113,737,132 17,893,767 95,843,365 116,996,969 18,018,729 98,978,240
Group “10” – waste from thermal processes 1,268,783 1,213,348 55,435 1,336,777 1,272,617 64,160
Group „19” – waste from waste storage installations and equipment, from effluents treatment plants and from treatment of potable and industrial water 166,259 95,401 70,858 166,259 95,401 70,858
Other waste 194,627 159,988 34,639 193,409 114,425 78,984
Total 115,366,801 19,362,503 96,004,297 118,693,413 19,501,171 99,192,242
2020 2019
2. Waste for recovery by recovery process, in metric tons (t)  KGHM S.A. Group
Hazardous waste (all forms of recovery Waste other than hazardous waste (all forms of recovery) Hazardous waste
(all forms of recovery)
Waste other than hazardous waste (all forms of recovery)
On site 18,646 18,874,571 19,299 18,437,057
Out of site 35,489 433,693 50,046 994,665
Total 54,135 19,308,264 69,345 19,431,722
2020 2019
3. Waste for disposal by disposal process, in metric tons (t)  KGHM S.A. Group
Hazardous waste (all forms of recovery Waste other than hazardous waste (all forms of recovery) Hazardous waste
(all forms of recovery)
Waste other than hazardous waste (all forms of recovery)
On site 4,321,358 91,595,738 4,720,924 94,399,332
Out of site 86,010 1,296 70,858 1,231
Total 4,407,368 91,597,034 4,791,782 94,400,563
  • 302-1

Direct and indirect energy consumption by the organisation*


Total consumption of non-renewable raw materials (own or purchased) in Joules or multiples thereof, by type of raw material in 2020
Values (MWh)
Non-renewable coal 0
natural gas 2 578 089
heating oil 0
Diesel fuel 0
Total Total consumption 2 578 089
Total consumption of renewable raw materials (own or purchased) in Joules or multiples thereof, by type of raw material Values (MWh)
renewable biomass 0
Biofuels 0
wind energy 0
solar energy 0
geothermal energy 0
Hydro energy 0
Other (t) 0
Total Total consumption 0
Total consumption of energy produced or purchased, by electricity, heat in Joules or multiples thereof Values (MWh)

electricity 2 895 029
heat (including consumption of steam, consumption of cooling
820 239
Total Energy consumption 3 715 268

Total energy sales: electricity, heat, cooling and steam, in Joules or multiples thereof Values (MWh)
KGHM Polska
Miedź S.A.
Total sales of electricity 211 594
Total sales of heat (including: heat in steam, heat in water, cooling energy) 427 916
Total Sales 639 510
5 Total energy consumption within the organization according to the formula 5 653 847

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