Changes in the parent entity’s bodies

Management Board Of The Company
According to the Statutes of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Management Board members are appointed and dismissed by the Supervisory Board. The KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Management Board of the 10th term from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 was as follows:
- Marcin Chludziński – President
- Adam Bugajczuk – Vice President of the Management Board (Development)
- Paweł Gruza – Vice President of the Management Board (International Assets)
- Katarzyna Kreczmańska-Gigol – Vice President of the Management Board (Finance)
- Radosław Stach – Vice President of the Management Board (Production)
The tenth term of office of the Management Board started on 6 July 2018. As the current year was the third year of that term and considering its final date, which is after June 30th, i.e. after the date when, pursuant to Article 395 § 1 of the Commercial Company Code, the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company should be held, on 5 March 2021 the Supervisory Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. adopted a resolution to commence a recruitment procedure for Management Board Members of the new, 11th term of office. The Announcement on commencing the recruitment procedure for members of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.’s Management Board for the 11th term of office was published in the Public Information Bulletin of the Ministry of State Assets and on the corporate website.
On 23 March 2021, the Supervisory Board, in order to synchronize the period of the term of office and of the mandate, dismissed all Management Board Members of the 10th term of office effective on 15 April 2021 and appointed the following for the next, 11th term of office: Marcin Chludziński, appointing him to the position of the President effective as of 16 April 2021, Adam Bugajczuk, appointing him to the position of the Vice President of the Management Board (Development) effective as of 16 April 2021, Andrzej Kensbok, appointing him to the position of the Vice President of the Management Board (Finance) effective as of 16 April 2021 and Paweł Gruza, appointing him to the position of the Vice President of the Management Board (International Assets) effective as of 16 April 2021. At the same time, the Supervisory Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. adopted a resolution to commence the recruitment procedure for the position of the Vice President of the Management Board (Production) of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. for the new, 11th term of office. The Announcement on commencing the recruitment procedure was published in the Public Information Bulletin of the Ministry of State Assets and on the corporate website.
Supervisory Board Of The Company
In accordance with the Statutes of the Company Supervisory Board members are appointed and dismissed by the General Meeting.
As at 1 January 2020, the composition of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.’s Supervisory Board of the 10th term of office was as follows:
- Andrzej Kisielewicz – Chairman
- Leszek Banaszak – Deputy Chairman
- Jarosław Janas – Secretary
- Bartosz Piechota
- Marek Pietrzak
- Agnieszka Winnik-Kalemba
and the members elected by employees:
- Józef Czyczerski,
- Ireneusz Pasis
- Bogusław Szarek
On 19 June 2020 the General Meeting dismissed Leszek Banaszak from the Supervisory Board and appointed Katarzyna Lewandowska.
On 3 August 2020, the mandate of Ireneusz Pasis as a Supervisory Board member expired due to his death.
On 26 November 2020, the Extraordinary General Meeting appointed Mr. Przemysław Darowski elected by Employees of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group in supplementary elections to the Supervisory Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
From 26 November 2020 to 31 December 2020, the composition of the Supervisory Board was as follows:
- Andrzej Kisielewicz – Chairman
- Katarzyna Lewandowska – Deputy Chairwoman
- Jarosław Janas – Secretary
- Bartosz Piechota
- Marek Pietrzak
- Agnieszka Winnik–Kalemba
and the members elected by employees:
- Józef Czyczerski
- Bogusław Szarek
- Przemysław Darowski