Integrated Report of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
and the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group
for 2020

8.2.2 Changes of other equity items

in PLN millions, unless otherwise stated

Other reserves from measurement of financial instruments
Investments in equity instruments
measured at fair value
through other comprehensive  income
Other reserves from measurement of future cash flow hedging financial instruments Other reserves from measurement of financial instruments, total Actuarial gains /(losses) on post-employment benefits programs Exchange differences from
the translation of foreign operations statements with a functional currency other than PLN
Retained earnings
As at 31 December 2018 (611) 167 (444) (652) 2 657 15 572
Profit for the period 1 421
Fair value losses on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (96) (96)
[Note 7.2] Impact of effective cash flow hedging transactions entered into (303) (303)
[Note 7.2] Amount transferred to profit or loss due to settlement of hedging instruments (86) (86)
[Note 11.2] Actuarial losses on post-employment benefits (56)
Exchange differences from the translation of foreign operations statements with a functional currency other than PLN (6)
[Note 5.1.1] Deferred income tax 18 74 92 11
Other comprehensive income (78) (315) (393) (45) (6)
Total comprehensive income (78) (315) (393) (45) (6) 1 421
Reclassification of measurement of equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 99 99 (99)
As at 31 December 2019 (590) (148) (738) (697) 2 651 16 894
Profit for the period 1 800
Fair value gains on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 194 194
[Note 7.2] Impact of effective cash flow hedging transactions entered into (1 026) (1 026)
[Note 7.2] Amount transferred to profit or loss due to settlement of hedging instruments (24) (24)
[Note 11.2] Actuarial losses on post-employment benefits (327)
Exchange differences from the translation of foreign operations statements with a functional currency other than PLN 39
[Note 5.1.1] Deferred income tax (36) 200 164 62
Other comprehensive income 158 (850) (692) (265) 39
Total comprehensive income 158 (850) (692) (265) 39 1 800
As at 31 December 2020 (432) (998) (1 430) (962) 2 690 18 694


Based on the Act of 15 September 2000, the Commercial Partnerships and Companies Code, the Parent Entity is required to create reserve capital for any potential (future) or existing losses, to which no less than 8% of a given financial year’s profit is transferred until the reserve capital has been built up to no less than one-third of the registered share capital. The reserve capital created in this manner may not be employed otherwise than in covering the loss reported in the financial statements.

As at 31 December 2020 the statutory reserve capital in the Group’s entities amounts to PLN 778 million, of which PLN 667 million relates to the Parent Entity, and is recognised in retained earnings.

Information related to dividends paid may be found in Note 12.2.

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