Integrated Report of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
and the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group
for 2020 Risk of changes in foreign exchange rates

in PLN millions, unless otherwise stated


Regarding the risk of changes in foreign exchange rates within the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group, the following types of exposures were identified:

  • transaction exposure related to the volatility of cash flows in the base currency;
  • exposure related to the volatility of selected items of the statement of financial position in the base (functional) currency;
  • the exposure to net investments in foreign operations as concerns the volatility of consolidated equity in the Group’s base currency (presentation currency).

The transaction exposure to currency risk derives from cash flow-generating contracts, whose values expressed in the base (functional) currency depend on future levels of exchange rates of the foreign currencies with respect to the base currency. Cash flows exposed to currency risk may possess the following characteristics:

  • denomination in the foreign currency – cash flows are settled in foreign currencies other than the functional currency; and
  • indexation in the foreign currency – cash flows may be settled in the base currency, but the price (i.e. of a metal) is set in a different foreign currency.

The key source of exposure to currency risk in the Parent Entity’s business operations are the proceeds from sales of products (with respect to metals prices, processing and producer margins).

The exposure to currency risk also derives from items in the consolidated statement of financial position denominated in foreign currencies, which under the existing accounting regulations must be translated, upon settlement or periodic valuation, including the translation of foreign operations statements, by applying the current exchange rate of the foreign currencies versus the base (functional) currency. Changes in the carrying amounts of such items between valuation dates result in the volatility of profit or loss for the period or of other comprehensive income.

Items in the consolidated statement of financial position which are exposed to currency risk include in particular:

  • trade receivables and trade payables related to purchases and sales denominated in foreign currencies;
  • financial receivables due to loans granted in foreign currencies;
  • financial liabilities due to borrowings in foreign currencies;
  • cash and cash equivalents in foreign currencies; and
  • derivatives on metals market.

As for the currency market, the notional amount of settled transactions hedging revenues from metals sales amounted to approx. 25% (in 2019: 21%) of the total revenues from sales of copper and silver realised by the Parent Entity in 2020.

As part of the realisation of the strategic plan to hedge the Company against market risk, in 2020 the Parent Entity implemented Seagull option structures hedging against a change in the USD/PLN exchange rate in years 2022-2023 with a total notional amount of USD 720 million.

Additionally, in 2020 the Parent Entity managed the open hedging position by restructuring option structures on the currency market1.  Sold call options were redeemed with a strike price of USDPLN 4.25 from the collar options structure, with maturities from May to December 2020 in the total notional amount of USD 300 million. In terms of restructuration, seagull options structure with a total notional amount of USD 90 million and maturities from January 2022 to December 2023 were closed and at the same time sold call options with  strike prices of USDPLN 4.30 and 4.40 in the total notional amount of USD 780 million and maturities from January 2021 to December 2021 were redeemed, which were earlier entered into as part of the seagull structures. Thereby these structures were transformed in the put spread structures. Hedging transactions covered by restructuration were excluded from hedge accounting as of the date the opposite restructuring transactions were entered into.

As a result, as at 31 December 2020 the Company held  an open hedging position on the currency market for USD 1 410 million, and in 2019 entered into Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap (CIRS) transactions for the notional amount of PLN 2 billion, hedging against the market risk connected with the issue of bonds in PLN with a variable interest rate2.

The condensed table of open transactions in derivatives of the Parent Entity on the currency market as at 31 December 2020 is presented below (the hedged notional in the presented periods is allocated evenly on a monthly basis).

Option strike price Average weighted premium

Effective hedge price

limited to
Participation limited to
Instrument Notional

Sold put option

Purchased put option

Sold call option

2021 Put spread 540 3.20 3.70 -0.09 3.61 3.20
Purchased put option 240 3.80 -0.07 3.73
TOTAL 2021 780
2022 Seagull 135 3.30 4.00 4.60 -0.01 3.99 3.30 4.60
Seagull 180 3.50 3.90 4.50 0.04 3.94 3.50 4.50
TOTAL 2022 315
2023 Seagull 135 3.30 4.00 4.60 0.00 4.00 3.30 4.60
Seagull 180 3.50 3.90 4.50 0.04 3.94 3.50 4.50
TOTAL 2023 315



Average interest rate Average exchange rate
VI 2024 CIRS 400 3.23% 3.78
VI 2029 CIRS 1 600 3.94% 3.81
TOTAL 2 000

Some of the Group’s Polish companies managed the currency risk related to their core business (among others trade) by opening transactions in derivatives, among others on the USD/PLN and EUR/PLN markets. The table of open transactions as at 31 December 2020 is not presented, due to its immateriality for the Group.

As for managing currency risk, the Parent Entity applies natural hedging by borrowing in the currency in which it has revenues. As at 31 December 2020, following their translation to PLN, the bank loans and the investment loans which were drawn in USD amounted to PLN 4 321 million (as at 31 December 2019: PLN 4 980 million).

The currency structure of financial instruments exposed to currency risk (change in the USD/PLN, EUR/PLN, CAD/PLN and GBP/PLN exchange rates) of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group and sensitivity analysis to the risk of changes in the exchange rates are presented in the tables below. In order to determine the potential changes in the USD/PLN, EUR/PLN, CAD/PLN and GBP/PLN exchange rates for sensitivity analysis purposes, the Black-Scholes model (the geometrical Brownian motion) was used.

Financial instruments Value at risk as at 31 December 2020
total PLN million USD million EUR million CAD million GBP million
Shares 5 2
Trade receivables 615 115 35 6 1
Cash and cash equivalents 1 999 455 28 23 18
Loans granted to joint ventures 6 069 1 615
Other financial assets 322 74 1 13
Derivatives * (695) (184) (1)
Trade payables (1 283) (127) (171) (7) 1
Borrowings (4 518) (1 171) (15) (17)
Other financial liabilities (53) (12) (2)


Financial instruments Value at risk as at 31 December 2019
total PLN million USD million EUR million CAD million GBP million
Shares 4 1
Trade receivables 523 112 21 3
Cash and cash equivalents 510 80 25 20 8
Loans granted to joint ventures 5 694 1 499
Other financial assets 369 70 2 21 6
Derivatives * 143 34
Trade payables (794) (105) (91) (6) 2
Borrowings (5 113) (1 321) (14) (13)
Other financial liabilities (17) (2) (2) (1)
* Transactions on the commodities and interest rate markets which are denominated in USD and translated to PLN at the exchange rate as at the end of the reporting period are presented in the item “derivatives”, in the column “USD million”, while the column “total PLN million” also includes the fair value of derivatives which are denominated solely in PLN.

Value at risk Carrying amount 31 December 2020 Change in the USD/PLN exchange rate Change in the EUR/PLN
exchange rate
Change in the CAD/PLN
exchange rate
Change in the GBP/PLN exchange rate
4.96 (+8%) 4.31 (-7%) 3.32 (+12%) 2.61 (-12%) 5.80 (+13%) 4.58 (-7%)

Financial assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2020

[PLN million] [PLN million] profit or loss other comprehensive income profit or loss other comprehensive income profit or loss profit or loss profit or loss profit or loss profit or loss profit or loss
Shares 5 618 1 (1)
Trade receivables 615 834 41 (40) 10 (9) 2 (2) 1 (1)
Cash and cash equivalents 1 999 2 522 163 (157) 8 (7) 7 (6) 10 (8)
Loans granted to joint ventures 6 069 6 069 580 (557)
Other financial assets 322 809 27 (26) 4 (4)
Derivatives (695) (695) 114 (733) 147 816 (8) 6
Trade and similar payables (1 283) (3 593) (46) 44 (48) 43 (2) 2 1
Borrowings (4 518) (7 335) (421) 404 (4) 4 (5) 5
Other financial liabilities (53) (345) (4) 4
Impact on profit or loss 454 (181) (42) 37 7 (6) 12 (9)
Impact on other comprehensive income (733) 816


Value at risk Carrying amount 31 December 2020 Change in the USD/PLN exchange rate Change in the EUR/PLN
exchange rate
Change in the CAD/PLN
exchange rate
Change in the GBP/PLN
exchange rate
4.64 (+9%) 3.98 (-6%) 3.31 (+14%) 2.55 (-13%) 5.71 (+14%) 4.42 (-8%)

Financial assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2020

[PLN million] [PLN million] profit or loss other comprehensive income profit or loss other comprehensive income profit or loss profit or loss profit or loss profit or loss profit or loss profit or loss
Shares 4 431
Trade receivables 523 688 44 (43) 7 (5) 1 (1)
Cash and cash equivalents 510 1 016 31 (30) 8 (6) 6 (6) 5 (4)
Loans granted to joint ventures 5 694 5 694 590 (568)
Other financial assets 369 936 28 (27) 1 (1) 7 (6) 3 (3)
Derivatives 143 143 1 (591) (41) 816 (8) 7
Trade and similar payables (794) (2 766) (41) 40 (28) 20 (2) 2 1 (1)
Borrowings (5 113) (7 873) (520) 501 (4) 3 (4) 4
Other financial liabilities (17) (318) (1) 1 (1)
Impact on profit or loss 132 (167) (25) 18 8 (7) 9 (8)
Impact on other comprehensive income (591) 816

1 Poprzez zawarcie transakcji przeciwstawnych.
2 Zadłużenie z tytułu obligacji w PLN generuje ryzyko walutowe ze względu na fakt, że większość przychodów ze sprzedaży jednostki Dominującej jest denominowana w USD.

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