Derivatives are classified as financial assets/liabilities held for sale, unless they have not been designated as hedging instruments.
Purchases or sales of derivatives are recognised at the transaction date.
Derivatives not designated as hedges, defined as trade derivatives, are initially recognised at fair value and at the end of the reporting period are measured at fair value, with recognition of the gains/losses on measurement in profit or loss.
In the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group, the Parent Entity applies hedge accounting for cash flows. Hedge accounting aims at reducing volatility in the Parent Entity’s net result, arising from periodic changes in the measurement of transactions hedging individual types of market risk to which the Parent Entity is exposed. Hedging instruments may be derivatives as well as bank and other loans in foreign currencies.
The designated hedges relate to the future sales transactions forecasted as assumed in the Sales Plan for a given year. These plans are prepared based on the production capacities for a given period. The Parent Entity estimates that the probability that transactions included in the production plan will occur is very high, as from the historical point
of view sales were always realised at the levels assumed in Sales Plans. Future cash flows arising from interest on bonds issued in PLN also represent a hedged position.
The Parent Entity may use natural currency risk hedging through the use of hedge accounting for bank and other loans denominated in USD, and designates them as positions hedging foreign currency risk, which relates to future revenues of the Parent Entity from sales of copper, silver and other metals, denominated in USD.
Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of the cash flow hedging instrument are recognised in other comprehensive income, to the extent by which the change in fair value represents an effective hedge of the associated hedged item. The portion which is ineffective is recognised in profit or loss as other operating income or costs. Gains
or losses arising from the cash flow hedging instrument are recognised in profit or loss as a reclassification adjustment, in the same period or periods in which the hedged item affects profit or loss.
Derivatives are no longer accounted for as hedging instruments when they expire, are sold, terminated or settled, or when the goal of risk management for a given relation has changed.
The Parent Entity may designate a new hedging relationship for a given derivative, change the intended use of the derivative, or designate it to hedge another type of risk. In such a case, for cash flow hedges, gains or losses which arose in the periods in which the hedge was effective are retained in accumulated other comprehensive income until the hedged item affects profit or loss.
If the hedge of a forecasted transaction ceases to function because it is probable that the forecasted transaction will not occur, then the net gain or loss recognised in other comprehensive income is immediately transferred to profit or loss as a reclassification adjustment.
If a hybrid contract has a basic instrument which is not a financial asset, the derivative is separated from a basic instrument and is measured pursuant to rules for derivatives only if (i) the economic characteristic and risk of the embedded instrument are not strictly related to the character of the host contract and its risks, (ii) a separate instrument, whose characteristics reflect the traits of the embedded derivative, would fulfil the conditions of the derivatives, and (iii) the combined instrument is not classified to financial assets measured at fair value, whose results of revaluation are recognised in other income or other operating costs in the reporting period. If an embedded derivative is separated, the host instrument is measured pursuant to appropriate accounting principles. The Parent Entity separates embedded derivatives in commodities transactions with settlement periods in the future, after the date of recognising a purchase invoice in the books up to the date of final settlement of the transaction.
If a hybrid contract has a basic instrument, which is a financial asset, the criteria for classification of financial assets are applied to the whole contract.