(KGHM Group)
Risk of reduced production due to seismic tremors and associated roof collapses or destressings of the rock mass, and the occurrence of uncontrolled rock bursts.
The KGHM Group is exposed to the risk of natural hazards and force majeure and related insufficient geological knowledge of the rockmass. Key risk factors which affect the materialisation of such risk also involves the results of periodic analyses of the mining situation and the state of hazard and applied measurement methods. Natural hazards associated with the underground mining of copper ore deposits, in particular hazards related to mining tremors and their potential effects in the form of rock bursts and roof collapses. These factors affect safety, as their occurrence can lead to serious or even fatal injuries as well as damage to underground machinery, equipment and infrastructure, along with production downtimes resulting in reduced production.
Actions aimed at preventing rock bursts and roof collapses, such as systematic seismological observations, on-going assessment of the rock mass and the marking off of areas of particular threat of roof collapse. Use of active methods of preventing rock bursts and roof collapses based on provoking dynamic events through mass blasting of mining faces and through blasting to release stress in the orebody or its roof. Preparation of reserve fields in the orebody which could handle limited production. |
(Parent Entity)
Risk of reduced production or slower progress of preparatory work as a result of gas-related geodynamic hazards and naturally occurring gases.
KGHM is exposed to the specific risk of natural hazards and force majeure (gas-related geodynamic hazards and the occurrence of naturally-occurring hazardous gases) leading to restrictions in realising production plans and the advance of preparatory work. These factors affect safety, as their occurrence can lead to serious or even fatal injuries as well as damage to underground machinery, equipment and infrastructure, along with production downtimes resulting in reduced production.
The risk of gas hazards occurring is being assessed and principles are being developed for working under the risk of such hazards. Individual employee safety measures are applied as well as equipment and means for reducing concentrations of hydrogen sulphides and neutralising oppressive odours. Preparation of reserve fields in the orebody which could handle limited production |
(Parent Entity)
Risk of reduced production due to unfavourable climate conditions in mines.
KGHM is exposed to a specific risk related to the underground climate, limiting activities or increasing costs, involving geological conditions, the temperature of the air sent into the mines and underground mining conditions.
The use of solutions to counteract underground climate risk using neutral means (e.g. the use of short airways and directing air from the lowest temperature rockmass, high-speed air) and through the use of central, workplace and personal air conditioning. Ongoing monitoring of the microclimate parameters and introduction of remote control and visualisation and surveillance systems (CCTV cameras) in workplaces with particularly adverse climate parameters. Reduction of external and internal losses and relative humidity and increase in airing intensity. The use of shortened working time |
(Parent Entity)
Risk of losing functionality of mining areas as a result of underground water hazards
KGHM is exposed to the risk of natural hazards and force majeure in the form of underground water hazards resulting from breakdowns of the main drainage equipment, human error (actions contrary to the project or technology) or mistaken geological conclusions.
Research into hydrogeological conditions and water hazards, measuring water inflow to the mines, conducting mining operations pursuant with technology for the safe conduct of mining operations in underground mines. Systematic control of mining areas threatened by water inflow, control of water flow pathways and dams according to a set schedule. Review and updating of the Rescue Plan in case of water inflow. Development of regional pumps and the piping system, construction of water dams aimed at restricting water inflow, drilling exploratory holes to stabilise uncontrolled water inflow. In order to minimize the risk of uncontrolled inflow of water underground, the Group implements the project entitled “Construction of the main drainage system in the area of the SW-4 shaft”, which ultimately should increase the capacity of draining the mine. |
(KGHM Group)
Risk of failure to uphold air quality standards (including with respect to arsenic).
The KGHM Group is exposed to the risk of negative impact on various components of the natural environment resulting from the mining of copper ore, followed by its processing at all stages of the production process, which could lead to the breaching of permissible emissions limits.
Undertaking actions under the Air Protection Programs and R&D work. Execution of the Program to adapt the technological installations of KGHM to the requirements of BAT Conclusions for the non-ferrous metals industry and to restrict emissions of arsenic (BATAs) |
(Parent Entity)
Risk of restrictions to the ability to sell sulphuric acid (due to loss of market/customers and/or a drop in demand, also due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
Risk related to macro- and microeconomic factors involving political actions which result in privileges for a specific group of producers or the introduction of additional fees/legal restrictions. Risk related to unfavourable prices (volatility to the disadvantage of KGHM), high requirements in terms of market parameters for selling sulphuric acid and lower demand for the product on international markets, including as a result of the deterioration in the financial condition of a key customer.
In 2020, a significant factor affecting the exposure to risk was the situation on the fertilizer market in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Increase the number of internal storage facilities at the metallurgical plants as well as of warehouses in the port in Szczecin. Search for new sales markets. Long term contracts. Payments to customers and incur transport costs. Search for alternative ways to manage the acid and utilise it in the Concentrators. In 2020, ongoing actions were taken to address the fertilizer market situation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e., slowed shipments and high inventory levels of raw materials and fertilizers by contractors. |
(KGHM Group)
Risks associated with disruptions in the supply of strategic materials and components affecting the continuity of the Core Production Business (also as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic)
The KGHM Group is exposed to the risk of disruptions in the management of the supply chain resulting mainly from external factors causing an increase in the sensitivity of the supply chain. These factors include, but are not limited to, unpredictable variations in supply and demand (including those that may result from customer expectations for products, whose production process does not contribute to climate change), changes in supplier bases, technological changes, changing buffers in inventory and lead times, dependence on suppliers, as well as logistical disruptions, force majeure (supply chain disruptions and logistical disruptions in deliveries as a result of more frequent extreme weather events on land and sea as a result of climate change) and fluctuations in currency exchange rates and metal prices.
In 2020, a significant factor affecting the exposure to the risk was the general uncertainty in financial markets and the risk of recession in global markets in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Constant contact with suppliers is maintained to enable a quick reaction to delays through the supplier and supply direction diversification strategy employed in the KGHM Group and application of alternative solutions, e.g. substitutes, changes in production/assembly schedules. Moreover, a business continuity plan has been developed for the KGHM Group in the event that production is limited, halted, or it is temporarily put on standby. An ongoing monitoring of suppliers and inventories is performed. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, regular measures are taken to eliminate the rare instances of delays on the side of suppliers due to unavailability of components, logistics limitations or delays at the side of the manufacturers of materials and machinery or parts. |
(KGHM Group)
Risk of failure to adhere to established principles and standards of conduct with respect to counteracting corruption, business ethics and with respect to the procurement process as well as the risk of incurring losses from actions which are harmful to KGHM.
The KGHM Group is exposed to the risk of actions which are harmful to KGHM taken by external entities participating in the processes of procurement, sales and investment. Threats are in the form of potential losses by the KGHM Group resulting from the intentional actions of external entities, e.g. collusion over minimum pricing, the insufficient technical and economic potential of contractors, falsification of documentation, fictional contractors, conflicts of interest. Other important risk factors include threats as regards all types of improprieties related to breaching anti-corruption and ethical standards by employees of the KGHM Group (such as corruption, conflicts of interest, abuse, discrimination, illegality, nepotism).
Implementation of the Code of Ethics of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group as the main tool in the corporate culture of the KGHM Group, and other appropriate policies and procedures ensuring the efficiency of implemented principles and values. Meeting global corporate governance standards and increased stakeholder expectations, including above all those of customers and financial institutions. Application under the Responsible Supply Chain Policy of guarantees of the selection of responsible suppliers, especially in the case of acquiring so-called conflict minerals and ensuring that the goods and services acquired by the KGHM Group will not be used to finance terrorism, and that they will be manufactured or provided while respecting human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and counteracting corruption. Proactive monitoring and analysis of procurement processes in terms of identifying abuse and threats of corruption within the organisation and the supply chain, as well as undertaking actions with respect to ethics and counteracting corruption along with the implementation of corrective actions. Internal control with respect to the identification and uncovering of fraud, abuse and corruption in KGHM Group entities and the prevention of such based on the Internal Control Procedure in order to eliminate risk at the level of prevention. Compliance management as part of a comprehensive compliance management system. |
(KGHM Group)
Risk of non-compliance with the requirements (general law, internal corporate regulations and voluntarily adopted legal obligations and standards)
The KGHM Group operates in unstable regulatory environments in many jurisdictions. A consequence of the need for technological and organisational adaptation to a volatile legal environment (including environmental requirements) may be higher operating costs or restriction of such activities. The risk of interruptions to operations or the need to reorganize work due to new legislation may have a substantial impact on the operations of the KGHM Group (such as the risk of transitioning to the low-carbon economy, circular economy).
Active cooperation with the academic environment, which issues opinions on changes to legal acts, and the on-going providing of positions and opinions with respect to numerous areas subject to legislative change (including as part of membership of national and international organisations). Cooperation with renowned law firms and the creation of specialised organisational units which monitor the regulatory environment. Taking preventive actions aimed at adapting to organisational, infrastructural and technological changes. In order to standardize the approach to ensuring compliance defined as observance of the requirements arising from the applicable legal (external and internal) regulations or voluntarily assumed legal obligations and standards (including ethical standards), the Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. adopted the Compliance Management Policy in the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group and the Compliance Management Procedure and Methodology in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. in 2020. A consistent compliance system in the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group is an element of effective management as part of corporate governance through e.g. a more efficient response and readiness for regulatory changes, care for reputation and ethical culture building in the organisation as well as awareness raising and enhancement of the sense of responsibility for compliance among employees. |
(KGHM Group)
Risk of climate change related to the negative impact of climate change on the KGHM Group’s activity.
The KGHM Group is exposed to climate risk related to the adverse impact on the enterprise. The risk exposure is associated with factors arising from certain events, in particular ones related to extreme weather events, such as storms, floods, fires or heat waves, which may disrupt the value chain, continuity of the Core Production Business. The risk is associated with the changes in the conditions of running business activity due to environmental or climate changes.
Commencement of work to prepare a climate policy which will be a systemic solution for implementing the Communication of the European Commission being Guidelines on non-financial reporting: Supplement on reporting climate-related information (2019/C 209/01), including an Annex on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), in the part applicable to the Metals and Mining sector. It will also include medium-term (2030) and long-term (2050) quantitative goals aimed at minimizing activities in regions exposed to a long-term or severe physical risk. Driving systemic solutions that take a forward-looking approach to environmental sustainability in line with the Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) on establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (2020/852, 2019/2088)
The KGHM Group Strategy takes into account the global trends that define the environmental challenges. Efficient risk management system encompassing also climate risk management allowing for risk categorisation, identification, assessment and management as well as plans for its mitigation.